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Community - Government - Media: recipes of synergies in Dnepropetrovsk


The media monitoring conducted by the consortium Association “Spilnyi Prostir”/Equal Access Committee is implemented in different regions of Ukraine. The experts trace how the local media cover the topics of charity and volunteerism. The monitoring results are represented during the  regional events. At these meetings the journalists and heads of TV channels and other types of media can see their work from a new angle, to comment the results of monitoring, to tell about the current projects or to propose the new social projects in cooperation with NGOs, business and government. The practical information on successful models of such an interaction will be spread in other cities of Ukraine in order to repeat  them easily. The first roundtable of this series was held on May 14, 2015 in the hall of the Dnipropetrovsk City Council and was called “Dnipropetrovsk – the city of volunteers: synergies in the triangle “community – government – media”.

Media monitoring on the best practices of communities’ self organization

The Head of Equal Access Committee, Doctor on Social Communications Oleksandr Chekmyshev told about the results of monitoring of two Dnipropetrovsk TV channels (DODTRC (Kanal 51) and 11 TV): how much attention was paid to the practices of charity and volunteerism by the media. So for the period from April 10 to May 10, 2015 it was broadcasted 28 plots related to  charity and volunteerism in total amount of 4252 seconds in the news program on “11 TV” and 20 plots in the news program on DODTRC with total amount of 2254 seconds respectively. Both channels covered these subjects mainly in relation of assistance to the ATO soldiers, their families, those who remained in the combat zone as well as the IDPs.

Valentyn Changli, Director General of DODTRK offered to monitor not only the news programs, but also the morning news programs and talk shows, where the volunteers were covered almost every day. In addition, Director General of regional TV company announced a joint project between the  broadcaster and public organizations. The initiative was aimed at psychological adaptation of the fighters from the ATO area.

Dnipropetrovsk - powerful center of volunteerism and social synergy

The existing models of social projects and proposals aimed at the government and the media were represented at the roundtable by the activists of Dnipropetrovsk community and charitable organizations, volunteer centers. Thus Olena Ivanytska, NGO “Maidan Sicheslav” as the initiator of the commemoration of Maidan and ATO heroes has already the experience in installing the memorial signs: from communication with the families of the falls, to the polls of townspeople, working with designers and architects, finding resources. Veronika Komisar, NGO “Slovyany” knows how to create a positive image and to integrate the IDPs into a new community. Nataliya Koval, Volunteer Female Battalion of Dnepropetrovsk, can quickly raise the funds, products and volunteers in order to help the soldiers on the front line. And Serhiy Kryvohuz, NGO “Chas molodykh” takes care of the emotional state of those who return from the war: the psychologists’ work with the soldiers. As Ukraine is now sorely lacking the specialists in rehabilitation after battle fatigue, then the TV specialists create the video tutorials of psychological adaptation, which will be distributed among the volunteer centers.

Acting Mayor of Dnipropetrovsk Halyna Bulavka participated actively in the work of this round table. She answered the questions of representatives of the public and voluntary organizations, talked about the social initiatives of the City Council, consulted how to build better the dialogue between different sectors of society, including mass media and public events. It was agreed that social activists would inform the city council about those military families who need support. As not each family alone dares to ask for help, as there is not centrally collected data base on the status and needs of the families of mobilized persons. Also it was decided to work upon creation of the data base of organizations that invite the volunteers and their social advertising: often the people want to help but they do not know where to go to.

“The external resources will be invested into our community only then when we show our own resources. We will show that our civic and charitable organizations, media, business, politicians, scientists, local authorities are able to negotiate and to reach results together”, - Halyna Bulavka said.

The Deputy of Dnipropetrovsk City Council Vadym Hetman believes that the shortest path to the local authorities is to attend an appointment to the deputy. However, not all representatives  elected communicate with the community personally and regularly, though the law obliges them to do so. We should demand accountability, actions and statements from those who we had elected, Vadym Hetman said. The community members participate in the City Council meetings. The roundtable participants were promised that soon they would have the opportunity to speak first at these meetings: so probably the deputies would heard them.

Communication between regions

During the round table “Dnepropetrovsk – the city of volunteers” it was represented the examples of successful cooperation between civil society, government and mass media in other regions using online broadcasting from Vinnytsia, Kyiv and Kirovohrad. So, the Head of Journalism Department of Kotsyubynskyi Pedagogical University of Vinnytsia, the PhD on Social Communications Vitaliy Handzyuk told that the university’s dispensary had received new life and become a rehabilitation center for ATO soldiers. The President of Philanthropy Foundation “Sotsialne partnerstvo”/“Social Partnership” Olena Polishchuk listed the achievements of Rescue  Service for Homeless in Kyiv and explained how the Service worked and how the community was involved in its work. The Director of Kirovohrad regional art museum Tatyana Tkachenko shared the secrets of success of the Easter Auction, which raised this year 360 thousand UAH for military hospitals.

According to the project coordinator, PhD on Social Communications Lesya Yaroshenko, the media monitoring on the subject of volunteerism will help to investigate which public actions became widely known through the media, and which, for whatever reason, have not received sufficient resonance. The results of this study and the obtained information on the best volunteerism practice will help to build the best model of cooperation between government, mass media, the public and business.

Charity and Volunteerism: ratings, laws, instruments

Kateryna Rzhevska, the Project Manager of Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum told about the place of Ukraine in the world charity ratings; provided the latest information on changes in the legislation, the Tax Code, which affected the public sector; talked about the tools and recipes of philanthropy (raising the donations through boxes, online, SMS).

The event was supported by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. The views of the authors do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Government.

Contact person:

        Lesya Yaroshenko

        066 737 83 18