укр eng


Severodonetsk: philanthropy in the modern way and synergy in the triange 'community-government-mass media'


The event consisted of a presentation and discussion parts. It was represented the results of recent sociological research and monitoring of volunteerism and philanthropy: the world charity rankings - World Giving Index of Charities Aid Foundation (CAF); “Volunteerism in Ukraine” (November 2014, GfK Ukraine ordered by the United Nations in Ukraine) and the comparative data of interregional media monitoring of Association “Spilnyi Prostir”/Equal Access Committee related to coverage of philanthropy and volunteerism in the media of Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk regions. The participants talked about the redistribution of charity sector in their regions, the situation related to highlighting the ATO and volunteer activities in the local media, access to the Ukrainian national media and a great influence of Russian television on the local citizens. The participants noted the fruitful cooperation with the regional authorities of Luhansk region while the difficulties of doing charity work officially, according to legal and tax innovations. However, everyone agreed that the sphere of charity should be regulated, taking into account the growth of number of fraud with collection and distribution of cash donations.

The representatives of Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum told about the rules of box collection and public debate on its regulation at the legislative level. The certified specialist in financial management of nonprofit organizations held the seminar on tax innovations for this sector (taxation of movable and immovable property, payroll and targeted/untargeted charity, documentary evidence and responsibilities of ATO volunteers.

Severodonets’k is isolated at most in information. Only a fraction of community activists attends regularly the training and educational activities on the subject of its activities and cooperates with other public and charitable organizations. Therefore, for many participants the information which had been provided changed the ideas about efficient philanthropy, the need to act wisely, seeking together the approaches for sustainable cooperation with local businesses that remained in the city, with the authorities and the media, to use the experience among the Ukrainian and foreign colleagues. The event gave an opportunity to make public the problems of volunteers and charitable organizations in this region and to lay the groundwork for further communication. Today Severodonets’k is one of the centers of activity of international missions and charities. At the same time it acts according to its own regulations, apart from local CSOs. The public sector of Severodonets’k is not very massive and united, but it seeks actively to be involved into the nationwide movement of benefactors and volunteers.